Rockfish Chapter

Rockfish Chapter
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Our Chapter's Patriots Page/ Newsletters

Monday, May 4, 2015

Madam President General, Mrs. Lynn Forney Young, meets her Majesty the Queen during the launch of a project to digitize all of the King’s documents, 1 April 2015. The project – a collaboration with King’s College London – well see more than 350,000 pages of documents digitized. It is hoped that the work will transform the understanding of Georgian Britain and its monarchy. What a wonderful representative of all Daughters and looking exquisite in her outfit. This is something we will all remember for a long time.

Happy Birthday!!

Peggy Sellers June 18
Diane Minshew June 25

Hail to the (Vertically Challenged) Chief!

(From the Amazing North Carolina by T. Jensen Lacey)
During the presidency of James K. Polk, Sarah Polk is said to have initiated the playing of “Hail to the Chief” every time the president entered the room.
The tune “Hail to the Chief” was first played at the inauguration ceremony of Martin Van Buren in 1837. Sarah Childress Polk, however, is said to be the person responsible for the tune being played every time the president enters a room. She started this during the presidency of her husband, Pineville-born James K. Polk, who took office in 1844.
President Polk was five feet, six inches, not particularly tall for a man. As a result, his entry often went unnoticed, and this annoyed Sarah. She had the White House band play “Hail to the Chief” so everyone in the room would take note of her husband’s entry.
Every president since then (vertically challenged or not) has continued with this musical tradition.
Here are the words, so now you can sing along.

Hail to the Chief
Hail to the Chief we have chosen for the nation, 
Hail to the Chief! We salute him, one and all. 
Hail to the Chief, as we pledge cooperation

In proud fulfillment of a great, noble call. 
Yours is the aim to make this country grander, 
This you will do, that’s our strong, firm belief. 
Hail to the one we selected as commander, 
Hail to the President! Hail to the Chief!

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